The Future Of Leadership: Leading With Resilience In 2025
In this year-end episode of the Intentional Leader Podcast, Sean Olson shares insights on leadership and offers tips to help you thrive in 2025. He delves into key trends you must know about, including the rise of AI and automation. Sean emphasizes the enduring importance of human connection and intentional leadership in navigating the future of work, particularly in today’s ever-evolving digital era. He also shares exciting updates about Renogize Professional Coaching and their commitment to expanding access to leadership development resources.
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The Future Of Leadership: Leading With Resilience In 2025
Welcome to this episode. This is the show where you hear the stories of real people just like you who become extraordinary leaders. You’ll learn valuable tips from their lives. Tips that you can apply to become the best leader that you were created to be. When leaders are intentional, lives are changed. I’m Sean Olsen your host. I am an Executive Coach, Author, and Keynote Speaker. It’s is a special year-end episode. I do not have a guest for you. I am my own guest. How can that be? No, I’m not going to be jumping back and forth, but it’s just from me to talk to you as readers and to say a couple different things as we wrap up the year and as we look forward to the New Year in 2025.
First thing I’d like to say is this is, thank you for being a reader of the show and for always hitting that subscribe button and hitting the like button so that the algorithms at YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts and all the platforms see more of our show and drive more of our show out. We are very thankful for you as readers. We think the message that we bring about leadership in the human perspective needs to be heard by more and more people.
When you hit subscribe and like and let other people know about it and share it on your social, it’s a great benefit and blessing to us. We thank you for that. What I’d like to do is just take some time and talk about what I’m seeing in leadership trends as 2024 comes to a close and as 2025 launches. I’ll talk to you also a little bit about what’s happening with our company, Renogize Professional Coaching and some growths that we are going through that’ll impact things in 2025.
Continuous Learning And Implementation
I want to start with this, what are the key learnings that I have had as the owner of a business, a CEO, but also in coaching, what I love about executive coaching and what I love about being the host of this show, I learn as much from my clients and as much from our guests on the show as I do from everything else. I am a voracious reader. I like a listening to shows and watching them but what I learned from the clients that we have the opportunity to coach and what I learned from the guests we’ve had on this show is incredible.
I would challenge you to continue to learn, be a lifetime learner, but not just take it in because this is where some of us struggle. We can take it and take it in and a couple of negative things can happen quite honestly. We can become this lake or reservoir that holds on to everything but it never does anything for us. We keep filling it and filling it but we don’t execute around anything. Some of us, when it comes to a negative perspective on this, we become the whatever’s bright and shiny is what we pursue next.
Leadership: Be a lifetime learner, but do not just take it in. Implement everything you are learning.
By the way, the next time you read another show or reading another article or book, there’s a new bright and shiny. We never have any consistency and staying the course, persevering, having resilience, and grits to drive things forward, especially as a leader. My challenge is keep learning, keep listening, keep growing but also implement some of the things you’re learning. Not everything is worth doing. Only because you can, doesn’t mean you should but you want to be a learner.
Impact Of AI And Automation
A couple of things that I’ve learned this year about leadership and where we are in our country with business and organizations, even globally with organizations. You all have heard a lot about artificial intelligence and automation and how it’s taking over everything. Depending upon who you listen to, you either feel good about it or you could be scared of it or even angry that it’s taking place.
The anger side comes in because we think to ourselves, if everything’s automated then we all lose our jobs. There may be some truth to the fact that there are some jobs and some industries where humans are going to be pushed out to the side a little bit because of automation but humans will never be replaced. Here’s my big thing about AI. Look at it. See what it’s doing. See how it’s impacting your industry and tap into it in any way that you possibly can.
We are looking at Renogize Professional Coaching. I’m looking at it. Our teams looking at it, saying, “What is it having store for us? What can we do with automation and AI to be more efficient and to be more effective and drive our business forward?” Here’s the crazy part, we also understand the in our business, we’re all about the person. we’re about humanity and the human elements. Here’s what I want to give you as a encouragement about AI. I think it’s going to bring a lot of great things to business. However, you cannot replace human. Leadership is about people. You’ve heard me say numerous times, we manage processes and they need to be managed well.
By the way, AI can help us manage them better but we lead people. AI cannot lead people. AI can get prompts AI, give ideas and thoughts and things like that, but people grow through other people and the influence of leaders. As AI grows, it’s not going to push leaders out. It’s going to pre-create a greater opportunity for us to bring humanity in and bring people along. I think there’s a huge opportunity for you as a leader to impact other people on a greater way because of automation and AI if you stay on top of it because it’s not going to replace you.
Being Intentional And Looking Forward
A couple of other things that I’ve learned. I’ve learned that if you want to keep growing in business and keep growing as a leader, you not only have to be intentional but you have to be saying, what’s next? What is out there? What’s the next evolution of your business? What’s the next evolution of your product or your service? We always have to be looking forward because if we don’t, we’re going to end up hitting a wall.
If you want to keep growing in business and as a leader, you must be intentional and be on the lookout on what’s next.
I could tell you a story after story and you can tell me stories of companies that stayed the path they had always been on. They refused to change. They refuse to see that something else was coming and as a result of that, those companies no longer exists. There’s been a lot of those. We don’t want that to be you or your company or where you work in lead. It’s looking ahead saying, what’s the next evolution from my business? Where can this go? Always be looking forward. When you look forward great things happen but again, the caution don’t go too far ahead where people can’t follow you in the process.
Power Of Relationships And Teamwork
I also learned that people are starving for relationship and teamwork. We all want more. Here’s the great thing about this. Inside in each and every one of us, there is a burning desire to be a part of something that is bigger than us as an individual. It’s always been there. Sometimes we focus on that and sometimes in leadership and business and sometimes we don’t. The fact is, every single person, is this human element has a desire to be a part of something bigger than themselves with that passionate desire that inates in all of us.
When you as a leader began to help them to see the bigger vision, the bigger impact that your organization can have that they play a valuable part in, great things happen. It’s like one of my favorite shows. One of my favorite shows is Shark Tank. I love Shark Tank. I like that it comes out on Fridays because it’s the end of the week. Although, I never see it live. Usually, I have it recorded and we’ll watch it later on, but my wife and my daughter watch it.
Here’s what I love about Shark Tank. I am amazed and I’m marveled at the Ingenuity of people, new products, new ideas, and new services. Usually, those new products and services are there where they’re saying, we found a problem and now we have created a solution. It’s a bigger, better and/or different way to tackle a problem. Innovation and thoughts are there all around us every single day and we need to pursue them.
Leadership: Innovation and thoughts are all around us every single day. We need to pursue them.
If you listen in closely on a show like Shark Tank, they’ll be captivated by the product of the service that’s being pitched but they will also tell you straight up, “I’m not just investing in that product or service. I’m investing in you. I see something in you. I see some Ingenuity. I see some encouragement and enthusiasm. I see a passion in you,” and this drive to do more and they’re intentionally going after it. That’s what they like to see. We are surrounded by people like that every single day. Sometimes, we don’t stop long enough to see it and recognize it.
When’s the last time you looked at the team around you and said, “What else can they do?” By the way, I don’t want you to come up with the answer to it. I want you to ask them. Go to them and say, “You’ve been with our company after a couple of years. You see what we’re doing. You see how we do it. Is there something else that you would love to offer to this organization to help us take further steps? Can you see something different that’s out there that we’re missing because we have blinders on because we’re so focused in? Is there something new that you want to bring to the table? An idea that you have.”
Unity And Leadership In Post-Election America
Start tapping into the ingenuity of your people. When you find those incredible things, invest yourself in them. It may be investing money, time, or effort, but tap into your people because we have some incredibly brilliant people around us every day who may not share their brilliance unless they’re asked. Talk to them, ask them and let them share those things. It’s a new year, so we’re recapping 2024. We’re looking ahead to 2025. I want to hit something for a few minutes and I want to be very intentional on how I talked about this.
We’ve just finished 2024 and 2024 was an incredible year of content on mainstream media and social media. Everything else around the election and elections are crucial. We are blessed in the United States of America to have the freedom to vote. With our vote, we have the opportunity to shape the culture and the policies that are country lives out. That is an awesome opportunity and awesome freedom. Something that many countries are around the world wish they had the opportunity to do. We are blessed and feel that blessing.
At the same time, now that the election is happening and the transitions going to be happening, we have a whole host of emotions. Some people are ecstatic about what’s taking place. Some people are scared and angry about what’s taking place, but here’s what I want you to remember. Party, policy, and personalities should never divide us. They should never divide us. They shouldn’t. In the end of it, we are all humans. We all have the human elements meaning we’re all the same.
Party, policy, and personalities should never divide us. We are all humans.
We are all the same. We have emotions. We all have inadequacies. We feel inadequate at time. We feel like an imposter at times. We have insecurities. We have joint excitement about what the future holds and the vision of it. We also have fear of saying, is this future the future that I would want to have? I want you to understand what I said. We all have those feelings every single day. We are all the same. It doesn’t matter what color your skin is. It doesn’t matter what religion you have or what preferences you have. We are all the same as human beings because we’re part of the human race.
As a leader and as an intentional leader, we need to be respectful of everybody and realize they’re all coming from different places. From the election, they’re coming from a different place. With the transition of power are coming from a different place but you as a leader, as an intentionally leader, have an opportunity to bring people together. Not by focusing on what may be separated this but by acknowledging what they’re feeling and redirect and then towards what we have in common.
Redirecting them towards the goals of your organization and towards the fact that we are blessed to be together. Part of what I love about America is this, the phrase that I like to use all the time is all the noise taking place in our country, what I hear out there is not what I see on Friday nights. What do I mean by not what I see on Friday nights? On Friday nights, it may be football during football season or during basketball season.
In your community where you live, on Friday nights, we all come together and we’re cheering for a team. There’s somebody else cheering for the other team. There’s a game that takes place and, in those games, there is a winner and a loser but we’re all there cheering and encouraging. We’re all the same community. In those communities, we’re not asking what party you belong to. We’re not asking what church you go to or what’s your preferences of life are. We’re just a community sharing life together. Enjoying some entertainment through games or through dance or through musicals or whatever that activity is. We’re all the same.
Investing In Yourself With Renogize Professional Coaching
I want you to realize that what we hear out there in the big picture isn’t necessarily what we see in reality. Focus on the reality of what’s around you and make the reality better by encouraging, leading, and loving the people that you’re surrounded with every single day. As I wrap up a few more minutes, I want to share some things that’s going on at Renogize Professional Coaching. Once again, the show is presented by Renogize Professional Coaching.
Leadership: Focus on the reality of what's around you. Make the reality better by encouraging, leading, and loving the people around you every single day.
Renogize Professional Coaching has been blessed to continue to grow year after year. You’ve heard on this show, as refer to the Intentional Leader Academy. It’s an open enrollment academy that you can come to. It is done in Columbus, Ohio, but we have had people flying from California and Florida for this program. I would challenge you and encourage you in 2025 invest in yourself. See how your company can invest in you as a leader and think about making the Intentional Leader Academy a part of your leadership development.
We’d love to have you. We focus in on the personalization of it of being intentional. The people that have gone through the academy have had incredible things to say about it. We are going to link a commercial. A commercial about the Intentional Leader Academy, where you can hear it from the perspective of other participants. Be intentional. Invest in yourself in 2025. The Intentional Leader Academy is one way to do that.
Also, in 2025, we are trying to take to heart everything that we are learning from the rest of you. We want to continue to grow the show. If you have guests that you think would be awesome on this show, please make comments wherever you’re reading or watching this so they can see those comments. Feel free to email us at with ideas of guests. We’re always looking for great guests who have incredible stories of leadership that can Inspire and challenge you all to be the best intentional leader you can possibly be.
Also at Renogize, we are looking at things that we’ve talked about. We’re looking at automation and AI. We’re looking at how do we grow and scale. We’ve been blessed with growth and multiple sectors all around the United States. We now have coaches that are even outside of the United States and we want to grow and scale o powerful way. We’re going to begin to initiate some new things in 2025. I can’t give you all the details of those yet. Not because I’m trying to hold them back but because we don’t have all those details yet.
We’ll let through the show some of those things happening. Here’s what I can say generically about it. We’re looking at ways that we can impact more people and I mean more by the masses. Not by 10 at a time or 100 at a time but 1,000 at a time. Looking at ways we can impact them at a much lower price points because not everybody can invest in a full-blown executive coaching program or leadership development program.
We are aware of that. We are cognizant of that. We’re trying to develop those lower costs opportunities for you, but what’s built into it? That’s a little bit different than what we’ve done before. Since we’re also then going to be begin to build a network or a community of people because people want community. People ask me all the time, why do you have a show? There’s two basic reasons for one and this is a huge piece of it. If people want content, they go to Google. People read to shows because they want connection.
That’s why I try to have conversations with people on the show and develop connection with them so you can connect with them because we all need connection. That’s the primary reason behind it. We also did it because we want to get our message out. We want to get our brand out there, but that connection piece, people are craving connection. People are craving others who are like them, even people who are different than them, so we can learn from one another. That’s what we want to do through the show and through this network that we’re creating a 2025. You’ll hear a lot more about it as it comes.
Wrap up 2024 in a powerful way. Start 2025 in a vibrant, impactful, and innovative way.
We want to create a community where you can tap into other people and say, “They’re like me. What can I learn from them?” Even the opposite. “They come from a totally different perspective than I do. They think differently than I do. What can I learn from them?” In that community, develop connections and conversations that can drive us all forward to be the best leaders we were created to be. As I finished, I want to remind you of why we’re Renogize Professional Coaching exists.
We exist because we want to help you see the brilliance inside of you through coaching and development pull that out so that you become the best version of yourself, or as we say become you 2.0. We don’t want to change who you are. Who you are as a gift and a blessing. We just want you to be the best version of yourself, you 2.0.
As you look at going into 2025, I want to personally challenge you to say, “In 2025, I’m going to become the best leader that I was created to be.” “I’m going to become myself 2.0.” You can do it if you’re intentional. You can do it if you work hard at it. If you want some help on the way, reach out to us at Renogize. We’d love to walk that path with you. Thank you for being a reader. Wrap up 2024 in a powerful way. Start 2025 in a vibrant, impactful, and innovative way. Come along on the journey. Keep being a reader. Thanks for the partnership and the connection.